
Does Drinking Water Help Dry Hair & Hair Growth?

is-drinking-water-good-for-your-hair-milk-and-blush-blog If you haven’t seen the before and after pictures of what drinking water can do for your skin then you need to google that, RIGHT NOW. It turns out upping our intake of water can do more for our complexion than any mask could and can rid us of dark circles and dryness in no time. After reading that, it figures we would start thinking about whether or not drinking more water could be good for our hair too? Here’s what we found out… Continue reading →

Milk + Blush Meets... Ashley Guenther

Ashley-Guenther-milk-and-blush-blog We always have a little fangirl moment in the office when we see one of our fave hairstylists have used Milk + Blush hair extensions on a shoot. Their work is so inspiring and it’s cool to see how many different looks they can create using our sets. Continue reading →

How To Cure An Itchy Scalp

7-hacks-cure-an-itchy-scalp-milk-and-blush There’s nothing more irritating than an itchy scalp and it can seriously kill your vibe and your hairstyle, if you’re constantly scratching. Turns out it could be down to some simple mistakes, like using way too much product or not looking out for bad ingredients. To help you guys out we’re sharing our best tips for curing an itchy scalp along with a few super helpful products too. Continue reading →

5 Chocolate Inspired Hair Products For Easter Weekend

5-Chocolate-Inspired-Hair-Products-For-Easter-Weekend-milk-and-blush-main We’re desperately trying to find something that will make us feel better about all the easter eggs we’ll be eating this weekend. Which is why we literally just googled ‘is chocolate good for your hair?’ and it turns out… It totally is! Those little cocoa beans are not just a mood boost or a tasty snack, but actually have a lot of hair boosting benefits too. They’re packed with iron, zinc and copper all of which promote cell renewal and boost circulation which encourages hair growth. **Leaves to pick up more easter eggs… Continue reading →

Everything You Need To Know Before Your Wedding Hair Trial

wedding-hair-trial-hair-extensions-milk-and-blush-blog Is your big day coming up? Wahh! We don’t think there’s anything more exciting than planning a wedding, especially coming up with hairstyle ideas… Obviously! Your hair is almost as important as your dress when it comes to nailing your bridal look so it’s super important that you get it right. Continue reading →

Hair History: Coachella Special

If you’re looking for some hair inspo to switch up your look this year then we’ve got you totally covered with our new series Hair History. Each month we take a look back at some iconic celebrities and trace their hair evolution to where they are today. As the biggest music festival Coachella kicks off today, we thought we’d do a special edition of Hair History and chart the best celebrity looks from the festival so far. From boho waves, to braids and some pretty crazy dye jobs, these celebrities know how to get noticed... Continue reading →

Tried & Tested: Olaplex No.3 Review

Olaplex-Review-Milk-and-blush-hair-extensions Here at M+B we’re pretty obsessed with hair care so it figures that as a team we try out a lot of new products. To make us feel better about our groaning bathroom cabinets we thought it would be cool to share some of the things we’ve found as part of a new series. We’re calling it Tried & Tested and the plan is to give you honest reviews on some of the weirdest and most hyped products out there. Continue reading →

5 Ways To Prep Your Hair For The Summer

Ok, ok so we get that we’re a little early with this post but you can’t blame us for getting excited after THE longest winter EVER. And yes we might be over exaggerating... As much as cosy jumpers and woolly hats are great we’re totally ready to ditch these in favour of some chunky braids and a day at the beach. It’s also so much easier to experiment with your hair in the summer knowing that your hard work won’t get ruined in the rain and that you’ll have the best light to instagram your look. Yas! So to make sure your hair is looking its best here’s how to prep your hair for the summer... Continue reading →

Hair Styling Lessons We Learnt From The Hills

mtv-the-hills-hairstyles-main-image-2 Believe it or not The Hills is officially back and even though it’s now more drinking water at the creche than cocktails at the beach, we’re totally here for it. That being said nothing could ever beat the original which was our go-to show for all the drama, fashion and hair inspiration teenage us could need. To celebrate our fave show being back on TV we thought we take a look at the hairstyling lessons it taught us way back when… Continue reading →

The Best Overnight Hair Treatments

best-overnight-hair-treatments We always preach about the hair boosting benefits of a good mask but the reality is that most of us don’t have time for them. If your wash and go routine is exactly that then it figures that squeezing in a mask isn’t going to be your top priority. That’s why overnight hair treatments are such a godsend for busy gals as you can quickly apply it and then completely forget about it until the next morning. Continue reading →